School Community Council

All parents of St Gregory’s Primary School form part of the school's Community Council and are invited to two attend open Community Council meetings each year. The Community Council is led by an elected Community Council Executive who meet regularly to provide input and guidance to the school. As necessary working groups will be formed to help the Community Council Executive with council tasks such as the Fundraising Working Group. All parents are welcome and encouraged to join working groups as they arise and share their talents and skills. The aim is to encourage a welcoming culture of open collaboration and inclusiveness. The School Community Council works in close consultation with the school principal to achieve agreed objectives for the school.

Specific Roles of the St Gregory’s Community Council

The St Gregory’s Community Council has the responsibility to support the school and community in the following ways:

  • Assisting the school to fulfill the school’s educational and evangelising mission.
  • Supporting the community of parents, students and staff.
  • Supporting the development and promotion of the Catholic identity, ethos and mission of the school.
  • Providing input to the consultative process for developing school annual improvement plans, strategic plan and master plan.
  • Promoting the school in the local community.
  • Supporting and monitoring school enterprises including the canteen and second-hand clothing pool.
  • Supporting the school fundraising through community-led fundraising activities.
  • Assist in determining the school expenditure priorities for the disbursement of funds raised through Community Council-led fundraising activities.
  • Consulting on proposed changes to school policies, school uniform, OSHC (Out of school hours care) service, school commencement and finish times.
  • Supporting processes that foster relationships and connections within the school community by developing and delivering opportunities for social interactions to build community and assist parents to form supportive networks.
  • Providing support for school programs such as working bees.

The School Community Council Charter and School Community Council Guidelines provide full details of the role of the St Gregory's School Community Council.

Contact the School Community Council:

Introducing your School Community Council Executive.

We look forward to working together with the whole school community to make our school the best it can be for the students, families and staff.